Movia Living Intelligence Platform

DoD and Intelligence Community customers use Movia to assist with accelerating and improving intelligence analysis; developing smart Tactics-Techniques and Procedures (TTPs); minimizing cost and schedule overruns with Requirements Management; avoiding fraud, waste, and abuse; and meeting other needs.

Movia® Greatly Reduces Research Time

Movia® focuses research on objects of interest, instead of directories and folders. Your efforts begin with what is already known and established, saving you the time of starting from scratch

Movia® Finds the Knowledge Hidden in Your Data

Movia® uses AI/ML to look within your data for information objects and relationships, and then builds extensive metadata that establishes linkages and correlations between these objects, based on your organization’s ontology.

Movia® Living Intelligence

The problem with most data analysis systems is the report cycle. During the time it takes to generate and distribute a report about a changing situation, portions of the report are outdated. Movia's® living intelligence has renovated the reporting system and advanced the role of analysts. Movia® assembles reports on demand, instantly, from your knowledge repository. This relieves analysts from the report responsibility and allows them to continuously ingest knowledge and groom the repository. With Movia®, your reports still use your format models and standards, but now contain living intelligence—knowledge that is always up to date. Movia® reports are a true viewport into your knowledge repository.

Unit Readiness Dashboard

Improved Decision-Making

Existing disjointed requirements development processes limit effective and timely intelligence support to mission planning and execution Movia® continuous feedback loop uses the decision-maker’s needs to explicitly influence data collection, analysis, production, and dissemination

Integrated Workflow

— When a team member has an information update, Movia's® integrated workflow routes it through your team’s approval list. Changes no longer need to wait for revision cycles before they show up. Your team members quickly see that their inputs matter!

World-Class Editor

— Movia’s® editor offers more than meets the eye. Extensive templates and editing features give your users the knowledge they seek in the format they need.

Document Comparison

— Movia® can automatically compare the contents of one document to another, pointing out similarities and differences between them.

Course of Action Recommendation

— While Movia® provides living intelligence to support your decisions, it can also evaluate several options and provide a recommended course of action.

Secure Collaboration

— Movia® brings your team together to collaborate on your analysis. Connect with confidence on the high-side and multiply your analysis power!

Information security

— Movia® keeps users out of trouble by only showing them the knowledge objects they are cleared to see. Movia® works with industry standards to maximize the value of your knowledge without holding back the elements that would have otherwise restricted access.

Movia® Modus Operandi Inc. Patent 11,803,531

"This research used to take weeks. Now it takes minutes."

- Satisfied DoD Customer

“You just reduced our research time by 90%”

- Satisfied DoD Customer

“This revolutionizes our entire operation.”

- Satisfied DoD Customer

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We'd like to show you how Movia® can give you the edge you need in critical decisions.