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Modus Operandi Capability Statement
Modus Operandi provides decision support software that saves
analysts >60% of research time, revolutionizes the management and
delivery of training knowledge and saves millions in wasted program
costs due to the impact of fraud, waste and abuse or requirements
Knite Trifold
Leep Trifold
Modus Operandi Inc. Patent 11,803,531
Paige Trifold
White Paper on Smart Publications
Smart Publications revolutionizes the way users receive training and reference information through the power of Movia’s knowledge management architecture. Current document management systems require a user to search for a word or phrase, only to receive a list of PDF documents that may contain the search subject, forcing the user to endlessly click through the documents to find the pages that mention the search phrase. With Movia, the Airman in the example above enters the same query and receives a customized TTP, in the
Air Force’s TTP format, containing the updated, actual knowledge they are looking for, extracted from the library of various TTPs across the USAF library.
Movia® is unique in the way it breaks down the document “blob” into information elements with context—meaning that Movia® turns paragraphs into knowledge objects, applying metadata to include structural elements and provenance—who, when and where it has been used—and then weaves these knowledge objects into a graph database, giving them a contextual awareness of their relationships to other objects, structural hierarchy (sections and headings), referenced objects within those objects (this paragraph is talking about facility “X”), and links to define other sources that contributed to the material. This provides context to the information, allowing for smarter query, but also provides significantly more context to AI/ML algorithms for better automation results. With this context, queries generated by a user can dynamically assemble a result that reaches across TTPs so that the user receives a custom generated TTP that contains relevant information for the mission they queried about, as well as relevant support information that the user may find helpful for further clarification.
Modus Operandi Proven Process for Customer Success Brochure
Our proven process is forged from the knowledge and experience we have gained in our 30+ years of delivering solutions to government agencies and commercial clients. This process is a phased-roadmap for a successful journey with Modus Operandi—including the activities and desired outcomes for each phase.
The "5-D MO for Customer Success" PDF describes our proven process for delivering successful outcomes to our customers.
Movia® Overview
A McKinsey & Company survey revealed that most leaders feel their organization makes bad decisions as frequently as they make good ones.
Given the state of the decision-support data in many organizations, the survey results are not surprising. As the survey calls out, several factors lead to bad decisions, including:
• Information Silos—Relevant data is hidden across many systems and in the heads of team members
• Research Cycles—Decisions are needed urgently, but digging for the right data is time-consuming
• Analytical Bias—Dynamic data and biased analysis present outdated, distorted data
The "Movia® Overview" PDF describes how our Movia® solution overcomes the factors that lead to bad decisions.